Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Your motor vehicle IS a weapon

On Tuesday, a man driving an SUV in San Francisco killed one person and injured at least 13 others. As of today, no one really knows why this happened. It was senseless and tragic. An incident like this reminds us how easily one can cause great harm to others while operating a motor vehicle. Just think about it. You are in control of a moving mass of 3000 to 5000 pounds of steel. With almost no effort, you can bring the mass of steel from a standstill to excess of 50 miles an hour in a few seconds. The only difference between an in control vehicle carrying passengers and items from point A to B and total devastation of human lives and property is a small nudge of the steering wheel the wrong way or mistaking the accelerator pedal for the brake. Driving a motor vehicle has as much potential for harm to others as running around with a loaded gun. The Sydney Morning Herald reporting on this particular incident. The police reported that no weapons were found on the individual, but the car had not been searched yet. Hold on here, I think we have missed the obvious: the car IS the weapon! There is no need to search for anything; it is right there in broad daylight. The real difference will probably come down to how this individual is charged and tried (if at all). I bet that if the individual was wielding an automatic gun he would be facing premeditated man slaughter. Since he was operating a vehicle, it probably will not be premeditated and the charges will be much less. While driving a motor vehicle, you don’t need any premeditation to commit murder. You simply flip the steering wheel a bit and accelerate. No one can see it coming until literally the last second. If you see someone running down the street with an Uzi in his hands, you probably at least have a few seconds to dodge out of the way. Anyone driving a motor vehicle can instantly turn from average Joe driver to killer. And your weapon is legal, no background checks. This is part of the price we all pay for the “convenience” of quick and relatively cheap individualistic transportation.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Garden work better than working out at the gym

In this weekend’s newspaper, I read an article titled “Garden work better than working out at the gym”. Hmm…I figure that working around the yard and garden does provide some exercise, but better than the gym? Personally, I do not belong to a gym. I know several people that do. I don’t see anything wrong with that. With the amount of inactivity and obesity in America today, anything to help get those bodies moving is a benefit. The article claims a report shows that many gardening activities parallel the routines of many popular exercises. I would guess that anyone who regularly does any serious work in the garden or yard would agree that you get a good workout. However, what I like best about the article is that it mentions the mental aspect of garden work. It gets you away from the grueling workplace, gets you back in touch with nature. Most people are working in an office or some enclosed structure most of the day. Gardening gives them the opportunity to take a mental break from that, get your hands dirty, touch something real. You also get the nurturing satisfaction from growing plants, fruits or vegetables. These are things you simply cannot get from working out in a gym. Plus, with gardening you have something more to show off than your body.

Monday, August 28, 2006


OK. Let’s get this party started. “Get Back to Nature” or “Back to Nature” deals with thoughts and observations by me on the interaction of man and nature over the last several years and what lies ahead. “Back to Nature” really has two meanings; one is the “getting back to nature” aspect – our attempt to reconnect with nature, learn to live within and by it. The other is what most of humankind is doing today – turning our back to nature – pretending that humans, science and technology can overcome any obstacle and ignore the natural order of the world.
If you have stumbled across this web log, welcome. Now, I am a pretty average guy – I don’t have apocalyptic or survivalist tendencies. These logs will hopefully give you a bit to contemplate on regarding our relationship with the world today. For some people this will be nothing new. For others, I hope it will open some eyes.