Recently I heard a story on the radio. The reporter was talking about the concept of people being able to invest in some sort of “pollution offset”. It basically means that a person can opt to spend a little more on things like their electricity, and in theory this extra money gets invested in some form of alternative or renewable energy. For example, maybe you live in
Another option I heard about recently had to deal with some car maker (I cannot recall which one, but I believe it was a European maker) that was making a version of one of their cars with an alternative fuel engine. I do not know if they disclosed what this was, but it was going to cost quite a bit more than the “regular” version, but produce about 30% less pollution. The premise of the story was that if you had the money, you could do your part to save the world; as if us regular folk were the bad guys destroying the world. Well, here is a radical idea: how about getting the “regular” version of the car and drive it 30% less than one normally would? Perish the thought! Why would anyone even consider driving less to reduce their part on pollution?
The trend here is that the government, media, and society in general do not want to accept the fact the pollution and global warming are issues that we need to deal with – the hard way. We cannot simply spend a few more dollars here and there to make the problem go away. Everyone always dances around the real solution: use less. If I just replace my light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, recycle more, and maybe buy a hybrid car, I am doing my part to save the world, right? I hate to tell ya, it might make you feel all warm and fuzzy, but in reality you are still part of the problem.