Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Spring

Spring has sprung! Hurray! Time to once again look to more outside activities. Seeing all the blooming plants, watching the birds and other little animals draw my attention to admiring nature rather than setting at a desk and computer all day. It is a shame to waste glorious days cooped up inside.
Spring brings us into the growing season. The First Lady is getting into the spirit with starting a vegetable garden at the White House. Roger Doiron's wish is coming true. This is a smart move for them. It will help spread the message of eating healthy, locally grown, organic foods. She is getting children involved, which will "plant the seeds" for healthy living as they grow up. I hope we see more of these types of stories in the news. Americans need to get their hands dirty again, touch the soil. There is a positive effect to the human spirit in touching, seeing, and smelling the land and the fruits of their labor. Plus, the food taste really good too.