Friday, August 03, 2007

Dead Batteries

Yesterday evening my family and I went to the zoo. We are members, so we can go whenever we like. As usual, I had the camera in hand to catch those "Kodak moments". However, when I turned it on to take the first pictures of some flamingos, it did not respond. Dead batteries, with no spares. Oh well. I proceeded on to simply watch the animals. After a few moments, I realized that the experience was much more relaxing without the pretense of capturing the animals or family at the perfect moment. They were all perfect moments. I then began noticing much more that just the animals. I noticed the spectators and the surroundings. It almost became more fun watching the people than the animals. It was amusing in a way to see how individuals scrambled to the glass to capture that prize winning photo of a gorilla. I am willing to bet that most will never view the photos after downloading them to their computer (if they get that far). It was neat to just experience being there. I probably did miss a few prize winning shots, but I think the memories of the occasion will do nicely.


Kim said...

My husband loves to take photos. I don't I'm like you. I would rather participate in an event than stand on the outside documenting it!

Simple Guy said...

When taking photos I find it difficult to be in the moment. You get caught up with trying to capture certain things, and loose the overall experience. But, sometimes it is good to have someone who likes taking the least you do get pictures to look at later!