Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Conservative Does not Mean Conservation

There is more and more attention being made to global climate change and oil dependency lately, from both sides of the political arena. Even the conservative republicans are talking about it. A recent letter from our Republican Assembly person addressed measures to deal with “global warming”. She mentions that she is backing the President’s call to the American people to join the fight against global warming and oil dependency. This follows in line with California’s plans to reduce greenhouse gases and pollution over the coming years. There is mention of a “transition away from fossil fuels”, “demand for cleaner fuels”, and “clean tech investment”. Even BP (British Petroleum) is mentioned, as they will award $500 million for “Big Science” research into green energy. Chevron and ConocoPhillips are included because they want to create alternatives to fossil fuels. Well, of course they do! They all know that cheap oil is running out. Wouldn’t they be smart to get ahead of the “alternative fuels” craze so they can maximize their profits from them? What is really missing here is any mention of the word conservation. You never hear it mentioned in main-stream media. There is only talk of creating the miracle “alternative fuel” that will save us all and let us keep on living like we have been with cheap oil. Some big company or the government will save us – just in the nick of time. I am also displeased with the attitude that this is a “fight” against global warming and oil dependency. It is like they are an enemy. Well, they kind of are – ones that we created. There is no fighting necessary. Conservation of our resources can go a long way to creating a winning situation for all.


Jim Thill said...

I've come to the conclusion that politics and government are not part of the solution to the problems you've been describing in your blog. It really doesn't seem to matter whether liberals or conservatives are in power - either group is less than enthusiastic about real solutions.

I'm a happier person when I don't invest myself in politics and the expectation that government has the potential to solve problems.

"Green energy" is still energy. Even IF we find a miracle energy source to replace energy we can no longer get from oil, it's unlikely to be problem-free, cheap, plentiful, or as reliable as oil.

Simple Guy said...

Yep. You're exactly right. Politicians like to dance around the subject and give us little glimpses of hope to make us feel good and lull us back to sleep. No one in the political arena ever seems to mention the tough options like actually using less energy or driving less (don't even mention using alternative transportation...we wouldn't be caught dead riding the bus or riding a bike!). I am still far from perfect, but I am taking little steps and trying to keep the awareness alive. -Simple Guy