Monday, March 26, 2007

The Death of Stillness

The Death of Stillness, I like that title. This is from an article on the Eartheasy web site by Richard Mahler. Taking time to be still and be in a quiet space gets harder each day. Everyone is always “busy” and surrounded by numerous distractions that we cannot seem to live without. We are never far from cell phones, PDAs, laptop computers, video games, TVs, and radios (oops, I mean MP3 players, or make that Ipods. Radios are so last century;-). The Industrial Age and the Information Age were supposed to make everyone’s lives easier and give us much more leisure time. And yet, everyone is always busy. Busy doing what?

When do we get the opportunity to really be away from it all? How far do you have to go to get completely away from the man made world and truly experience the solitude of nature? How far do you have to go to truly experience quiet? How many people ever even take the time to find out? Solitude and quiet time are necessary to get the mind and spirit refocused. It helps to bring clarity back to our thinking. It reduces stress.

We are not talking about a one or two week vacation once a year here. There needs to be at least a few minutes of quiet everyday. The body, mind, and spirit need to get completely unplugged from the busy world and given the chance to re-center itself. Try finding that place of quiet and stillness everyday. It might just save your life.

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