Friday, April 20, 2007

Thank Your Lucky Bees

There has been a lot of disturbing news lately about honey bees. An epidemic called “Colony Collapse Disorder” is wreaking havoc on honey bees all over the world.
The worker honey bees seem to vanish and never return to the hive. This latest study by scientists is theorizing that cell phones are the problem. The theory is that cell phone radiation is interfering with the bees’ navigation system. They leave the hive to forage for pollen and nectar and never return. Honey bees are vital to man’s existence on earth. Einstein was quoted as saying that if bees disappeared “man would have only four years of life left”.
The good news is that there are still people trying to save our bees and keep them thriving. Check out the blog "Car Free Family" and Paul's new service “Car Free Bees” and “Path to Freedom” We need a lot of good people like these.
I don’t know if the cell phone radiation theory is true, but I feel certain that mother nature has a way of revenging herself.

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