Friday, January 04, 2008

Slow Ride

On New Year's Day I went for a bike ride...all of probably 1 mile, and it was great. What made it great was not how far I rode, but who I rode with. My whole family went riding at a nearby lake. I was on an old Schwinn 5 speed, my wife on her old Trek mountain bike, my 8 year old daughter on her first "real" 2 wheeler, and my 6 year old son on the hand-me-down 2 wheeler with training wheels. We just rode the short distance by the lake on a relatively flat paved trail, stopping at about 1/4 mile to feed some ducks. Then we proceeded back and stopped at another spot to feed more ducks. We then rode about another 1/4 mile to another area to again feed the ducks and have a little snack for ourselves. Obviously, the riding of bikes was not the main objective of this little outing, spending time with the family was. It was nice getting outdoors on a fairly mild day and actually doing something together.
Part of me cannot wait until the kids are old enough to really go on bike rides with me. Yet, I also don't want them growing up too fast. For as much as I love riding, we don't seem to be able to all get out and ride together as I wish we did. Maybe investing in a tag-along bike or tandem would make it easier? We have a trailer, but the kids have just about outgrown that. Anyway, even these little riding adventures beat sitting around the house watching TV or listening to the kids argue over everything. Now I just need to make sure we do them more often.

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