Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Man, this wind really blows.

The commute yesterday was rather windy. I actually ride into the wind both ways...it comes from the east as the sun warms up the air, then in the evening the wind blows from the west/southwest off the ocean. Yesterday's evening winds were especially gusty. By the time I got home I was wiped out. The outside of me was cold, and I was burning up inside. I would still rather ride the bike, but sometimes the commute can be a bit challenging. I'm sure these winds were nothing compared to what a lot of riders endure, but it is all relative. It just makes me appreciate the nice days even more.
This morning's ride in was calm, but with the cool temps I was freezing when I started, complete with almost numb fingers. By the time I got to work I had starting warming up, then realized that I was sweating under the layers of clothing. Sometimes it is hard to dress accordingly for a fairly short ride like this. But, that's OK. At least it is still an adventure. Part of the fun of cycling is experiencing the elements, not always riding in a shell being protected from them.

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