Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day

Another Memorial Day has come and gone. Along with it, adds for automobiles, furniture, and every type of consumable good you could ever want. It is also the unofficial start of the summer season. Holidays like this always leave me feeling a little confused. It is a day for remembering our fallen military men and women, but that seems to get lost in the commercial aspect of celebrating. I guess most holidays have become that way. For many people, this was just another 3 day weekend. Even my relatives who served in the military don't seem to outwardly acknowledge the day. My grandfather served in WW II, but he never talked about it. Maybe some don't want to remember. However, I'm sure many would like to know that those of us who did not serve in the military are grateful to those who did.

So, how does one show their gratitude? I can fly the American flag on my porch. I guess I could place a cheesy little ribbon on my car that says I support the troops. (I find it a bit ironic to see one of these on an SUV, especially an SUV from a foreign company) I didn't really know what to do, so I went on a bike ride. I rode to a national cemetery for the military. It is always mesmerizing to see the number of graves. They stretch by the thousands over several hills. If I cannot "do" anything for them, at least I can silently pay them a moment of gratitude.
The more I think about it, I guess the best way to honor our military is to just keep doing the things we do...after all, by their fighting for our freedoms and giving their lives, we all have the right to buy that new SUV and grill up hamburgers and hot dogs.

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