Monday, August 27, 2007

Everyone Needs One of These

Over the weekend I saw this commercial on TV about a little gadget that easily cuts open the plastic casings that many products come in today. Just about everything now comes in that wonderful hard plastic that makes the product look good, but is nearly impossible to open. The little gadget claims it can cut these things open like nothing. It sure did look slick on the commercial. My kids were watching too and my 6 year old son commented that we should get one of those. He also comments that we should get just about everything he sees on a commercial, especially toys. (Yes, kids are very impressionable, and I know he should not be watching that stuff anyway). I make the comment that we should just not buy anything that comes in plastic like that. Now my 8 year old daughter also hears this, and she comments that we would never buy anything then, since everything comes in plastic. Her comment was pretty accurate. So many things comes packaged for convenient display in plastic that it is not funny. It is such a shameful waste. Not only is there a lot of energy used to make this useless packaging, but the disposal of it also makes such a mess. Kids toys can be the worst. Toy makes obviously want their products to be attractive on the shelves, so they are encased in plastic and strapped in with many little wire ties, rubber bands, etc., that it is a parents nightmare just to open them. Last Christmas I know I spent at least half an hour opening just two of my daughters dolls.
I wish manufacturers would stop the gross plastic packaging and place their products in recyclable boxes. I can try to boycott these products as much as practically possible, but I think it will take a united effort to really get manufacturers to change.

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