Friday, August 10, 2007

Little Things - Grow Your Own

What better way to get back to nature than to get your hands dirty and grow your own food? The new revolution is taking place in our backyards and neighborhood garden plots. This article gives some good reasons to grow your own food - (
With our global economy, food now gets shipped all over the world. We can practically have any type of food available to us year round. But, there is a cost to shipping food around the world. There is the obvious costs of fuel, and then there is the pollution created by shipping, and the potential for global spreading of any number of diseases and illnesses too. When you grow your own food, you know exactly where it came from and what went into growing it. If you are careful and raise your food organically, you can enjoy eating it knowing that you are not putting toxic chemicals into your body. Plus, you are doing a small part to help ease up the consumption of fuels and lower the amount of pollution related to food transport. Sure, your one small backyard garden won't make much difference related to the worldwide consumption of food, but every little bit does help. And, it is when many of us have the same attitude and all do our little parts that add up to a big change. Join the revolution.

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