Monday, June 25, 2007

Little Things to Save Our Little Ones

Here's the deal; I read lots of stuff telling us how the world is in a bunch of trouble and will spontaneously combust any minute now if we don't stop doing this or don't start doing that to save it. Most have good intentions and are trying to get the message out that we are destroying the world, if not for us, for our children and their children. Many stories point out what is wrong, and not much is said about what we can do about it. Some point out many things we can do, but unless you are already doing them or are already in that mindset, they are just simply too overwhelming for the average person to relate.
What I am mulling over is a way to create a list of things that the average person can do. These would be little, everyday things that would be the small steps to larger things. These things don't need the pretense that they are to "save the world". They can just be little things to make the person feel better about themselves and their environment. And, this would be not just a list, but an explanation of how-to and how it would benefit the person and the environment. I'm sure something like this does exit out there in many forms, but I will make an attempt to put together something, if for no other reason than to keep my own actions in check.

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